Alice, Girl from the Future

Alice, Girl of the Future, also known as Alice, the Girl from Earth, is a collection of science fiction stories for children by Kir Bulychev, published in 2002. It is part of a series of stories about Alisa Seleznyova (or 'Alice'), the first of which was published in the Soviet Union in 1965.


Plot summary

One of the stories in the collection is about the journey of Alisa and the Three Captains. A long time ago, the Three Captains roamed the universe, leaving behind traces of themselves and spreading the word and tools of progress. The Earth is prosperous and technologically advanced, living in peace with the rest of the galaxy. Alice's father starts on a quest to find the one remaining Captain after a conversation with an alien friend of his.

Literary significance and reception

Larry Chamberlain was critical of Alice, Girl of the Future in his review for School Library Journal saying "this books best audience will be colleagues of the author, a historian in the U.S.S.R."[1] , Don D'Ammassa in his review for Chronicle magazine said this about this collection of stories "they're filled with quirky humor, absurd situations, grotesque creatures, and a good natured view of the universe at large."[2]


There have been numerous Television and Movie adaptations featuring the character Alisa Seleznyova, including:

The most successful adaptation in the USSR was Guest from the Future. Both live-action adaptations feature the actress Natalya Guseva as Alice.


  1. ^ Chamberlain, Larry (April77). "Alice (Book Review)". School Library Journal 23 (8): p62. 
  2. ^ D'Ammassa, Don (1 November 2002). "Alice: The Girl from Earth". Chronicle: p 30. ISSN 0195-5365.